Find your Notion Invoice Easily

Find your Notion Invoice Easily

March 7, 2025

Beli Löw

2 min
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Have you discovered a charge from "NOTION LABS, INC." on your credit card statement and are looking for the corresponding invoice? There are two simple ways to find it - depending on whether it's for your Notion Workspace subscription or a Marketplace purchase.

How do I find the invoice for my Notion subscription?

To view your Notion invoices, you need the following permissions:

  • You must be a Workspace Admin or Workspace Owner
Here's how to find the invoice:
  1. Click on Settings at the bottom of the left sidebar
  2. Select Billing
  3. Scroll down to the Invoices section
  4. Here you'll find all your invoices available for download in PDF format

How do I find the invoice for a Notion template I purchased from the Notion Marketplace?

For templates purchased from the Notion Marketplace, you'll find the invoices in a different location:

Here's how to find the invoice for your templates:
  1. Click on Templates at the bottom of the left sidebar
  2. Select Purchased in the top right
  3. Scroll to the relevant template
  4. Click on the 3 dots 

  5. Select Download invoice
  6. Here you'll find all your invoices available for download in PDF format
Important to know: Template invoices are managed separately from your Notion subscription invoices, as they are processed directly through the Marketplace.

If you have trouble finding your invoices, you can always contact Notion Support.


Beli Löw

Beli is an IT project manager, tool enthusiast, entrepreneur and has organized his whole life with Notion. His news sources are release notes from tools. There is (almost) no feature or shortcut that he does not know.


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