The New Recurring Task Feature in Notion - How to Set it up

The New Recurring Task Feature in Notion - How to Set it up

November 25, 2022

Beli Löw

4 min
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The Notion world is abuzz today with some big news. The latest release from Notion takes us one step further towards full recurring objects by introducing Recurring Templates, a feature we have been waiting for some time. The Recurring Templates feature lets us schedule pre-built templates to recur regularly. In this article, we will take you through the process of creating repeatable database templates in the Notion workspace, plus, we will provide you with some cool ideas and examples to get you started.

Why we’ve been waiting for it?

This is a powerful feature that makes it easier to automate recurring tasks, such as remembering to check in with clients, sending out invoices, and more. It offers the ability to create customizable templates for any task you may need to complete regularly, making the workflow smoother and more efficient.

With Notion’s Recurring Templates, you can set up reminders, so you never forget an important task or appointment. You could also assign tasks on specific days of the week or month to keep everything organized. In addition, the user-friendly interface makes creating and customizing templates easy, even for those who are new to Notion.

For busy professionals looking for a way to streamline their workflows, Notion’s Recurring Feature are an excellent way to go. With its customizable and user-friendly features, it allows users to stay on top of recurring tasks with ease.

Use Cases of Notion Recurring Feature

You might be wondering how you could take advantage of this new feature, here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Celebrations of birthdays

Does Notion have a birthday tracking feature? Now you’re able to set up a template for every year on somebody’s birthday, and have it automatically repeat every year. To ensure that you will never forget the occasion, you should be sure to include a reminder in the “Birthday” date property of the schedule.

Important reminders

You can automate spring-cleaning reminders, quarterly reviews, and anything else you need to remember. Ensure you have a reminder set up for your “date” property, so you receive a ping!

Periodic Meetings

Create a template that will be used for repeating meetings regularly. If you plan to hold several meetings at the same time, then you may want to create templates for each meeting separately or set up a general template for repeating meetings.

Tracking and blocking time

Is your Notion database configured to track time? It is possible to create a repeating template that will create new time blocks for every new day of the week. It is important to note that Notion doesn’t allow to repeat templates on an hourly basis at the moment.

Performing routines

Keeping track of your health and fitness routines with a Notion database would be a great idea, wouldn't it? Being this just an example, you could track any habit.

Maintaining a journal

If you use Notion as your journaling tool, creating new pages each day can be boring. It's so easy to keep up with a daily journal entry when you have a repeating template that you will never have to manually create one ever again!

Guide: how to use the recurring tasks feature on Notion

  1. To see a list of all the pre-built templates that you can use for your database, click the down-arrow next to the New button.
  1. To make a template recur, simply click the ellipsis next to it (three dots).
  2. Set the recurring feature clicking Repeat and select from daily, weekly, monthly, or annual cycles.
  1. When you choose the recurrence, then you should customize the pattern to suit your preference.
  1. You can select the date on which the recurring template will begin.
  2. Specify what time of day you would like the template to repeat (e.g: the template repeats at 12:00 AM in your time zone). A new copy of a template will be released as soon as the day and time on the recurrence schedule are reached.
Keep in mind: It is possible to decide whether you would like the system to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Furthermore, it is also possible to specify which day of the week you would like the task to be repeated here. It would be a great option, for instance, for tasks that have to be completed in working hours but cannot be completed on weekends.


The bottom line is that Notion's Recurring Templates are a great way to automate recurring tasks, making it easier and less time-consuming to stay on top of important tasks. Whether you're a busy professional or just someone who needs help organizing their workflows, Notion's Recurring Templates offers the perfect solution. With its customizable features and user-friendly interface, it makes managing your workflow simpler than ever before.


Beli Löw

Beli is an IT project manager, tool enthusiast, entrepreneur and has organized his whole life with Notion. His news sources are release notes from tools. There is (almost) no feature or shortcut that he does not know.

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