Notion Gratitude Journal

Notion Gratitude Journal

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Notion Gratitude Journal template

More gratitude, mindfulness & joy of life with digital gratitude journal for Notion.

A simple and effective tool for more gratitude, mindfulness & joy of life.

To simplify your daily writing, we created a simple template with the best questions for your gratitude. In addition, it contains great additional features. Such as selecting your favourite journaling method: six minutes journal, five minutes journal or gratitude journal.


✔️ Use the templates to simplify your daily writing.


✔️ Use the habit tracker to establish positive daily practices.


✔️ Answer the monthly and weekly review to stay consistent in your goals. Use the annual reflection to choose the right goals.


✔️ Stay motivated with vision board.

Gratitud Journal PLUS

✔️ Selection of Journal Method.

✔️ Habit Tracker.

✔️ Vision Board.

✔️ Weekly Reflections.

✔️ Annual Reflections.

I want all the features


Get to know the author


Beli Löw – Notion Certified Consultant

Templates are my adult version of Lego, and creating them is my new favourite game.

After founding two companies since I was 18, worked in project management and software development for over 10 years, I found the tool which inspired me to represent every area of my life within it for the last four years so far.

Why I love this Template

The 6-Minute Journal template holds a special place in my heart because it has changed my daily routine and mindset. It's amazing how just a few minutes of conscious reflection can evoke such a deep sense of gratitude and joy. This template has helped me to appreciate the small moments, set positive intentions, and end each day on a positive note. It's a simple yet powerful tool that has had a significant impact on my overall well-being.

Gratitude Journal FAQs
What is a Notion Template?
What is the 6-Minute Journal?
What is the 5-Minute Journal?
What is a Gratitude Journal?
How can I duplicate a template?
How can I get support?
How can I customize the questions in the daily entries?
How can I customize the habit tracker for myself?
Can I get financial support?

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