Notion Gratitude Journal

Notion Gratitude Journal




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Notion Gratitude Journal template

More gratitude, mindfulness & joy of life with digital gratitude journal for Notion.

A simple and effective tool for more gratitude, mindfulness & joy of life.

To simplify your daily writing, we created a simple template with the best questions for your gratitude. In addition, it contains great additional features. Such as selecting your favourite journaling method: six minutes journal, five minutes journal or gratitude journal.


✔️ Use the templates to simplify your daily writing.


✔️ Use the habit tracker to establish positive daily practices.


✔️ Answer the monthly and weekly review to stay consistent in your goals. Use the annual reflection to choose the right goals.


✔️ Stay motivated with vision board.

Gratitud Journal - FREE

✔️ Template for daily entries.

✔️ Add your moods.

✔️ Monthly Reflections

Claim your Free Version

Gratitud Journal PLUS

✔️ Selection of Journal Method.

✔️ Habit Tracker.

✔️ Vision Board.

✔️ Weekly Reflections.

✔️ Annual Reflections.

I want all the features


15.- for first 50 downloads only

Get to know the author


Beli Löw – Notion Certified Consultant

Templates are my adult version of Lego, and creating them is my new favourite game.

After founding two companies since I was 18, worked in project management and software development for over 10 years, I found the tool which inspired me to represent every area of my life within it for the last four years so far.

Why I love this Template

The 6-Minute Journal template holds a special place in my heart because it has changed my daily routine and mindset. It's amazing how just a few minutes of conscious reflection can evoke such a deep sense of gratitude and joy. This template has helped me to appreciate the small moments, set positive intentions, and end each day on a positive note. It's a simple yet powerful tool that has had a significant impact on my overall well-being.

Gratitude Journal FAQs
What is a Notion Template?

A Notion template is a publicly shared page in Notion that can be duplicated. It allows users to use them for their own purposes. In Notion itself, there are already many templates available, but users can also create their own and make them available to everyone.

What is the 6-Minute Journal?

It is a structured journaling technique developed by Dominik Spenst to cultivate a positive attitude and promote gratitude in just six minutes a day. It consists of six prompts aimed at promoting gratitude, setting intentions, and reflecting on daily life.

What is the 5-Minute Journal?

It is a quick method presented by UJ Ramdas and Alex Ikonn that encourages thankfulness within five minutes. It consists of five prompts to express gratitude and reflect on our day.

What is a Gratitude Journal?

A type of journal in which we can record what we are grateful for, whether it's events, people, or experiences. It serves as a tool to consciously acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of life, which contributes to more happiness and overall well-being.

How can I duplicate a template?

If you have opened the template, click on the Duplicate button in the top right corner. Now choose in which workspace the template should be duplicated.

How can I get support?

If you have any questions about our templates, simply send us an email at

How can I customize the questions in the daily entries?

You can easily customize the template of the questions.

  1. Click on the down arrow 🔽 next to the "New" button.
  2. Press the three dots ....
  3. Choose edit.
  4. Customize the template as it suits you best.

From now on, every new entry you create will use this new template.

Tip: You can also create multiple templates.

How can I customize the habit tracker for myself?

If yoga or meditation is not your thing, you can simply rename the habits.

  1. Open any daily entry.
  2. Right-click on the habit you want to adjust.
  3. Rename the habit
  4. To change the icon, simply click on it.
Can I get financial support?

Are you a student, NPO or you just really want it are not able to afford it? Email us at We’ll be happy to help!

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